I love that Canada is so big but I hate that Canada is so big. I have been tatting seriously for 30 months and have only met one other person in Canada who tats. Oh yes I do have "virtual" tatting friends/buddies but having another tatter watch you tat is priceless, especially when you are learning. They see the shuttle move and can offer such good advice. A wasted movement here, a twist of the wrist there, more thread, less thread and together you share some new techniques and show off a few pieces too.
Now if it wasn't for my virtual tatting friends, I would still be at a novice level as they provide plenty of advice, encouragement and sharing. I thank them all but a book can always be by your side day or night so I compliment my learning from books and have recently added to my growing library.
We are travelling this weekend so I don't think I can pull out the tatting and I am working on some projects that don't travel well so my tatting teachers will be coming to keep me company if a quiet moment appears.