Wednesday 13 September 2017

Power of 3

The power of three because this pattern is 3p3. As the pattern is so easy to remember it gives me the opportunity to practice some frontside/backside tatting.   This is the trim for my second shirt and I am just over halfway done.

I am still using the King Tut thread it takes just a small amount of thread to do the trim and I plan to sew this one down along the collar binding.  This trim and the former  have used less than one bobbin of thread.

You can see a wide white elastic (I get these around broccoli and asparagus) around the spool of thread.  I use it to control how much thread unwinds.   I also use these wide elastics or rubber bands to grab the thread when I need extra grip. 


  1. That's a good idea using the elastic. We don't have that round our broccoli or asparagus here. I'll have to look out for something similar!

    1. I'll put a few in my bag for you. :) You can grab the smallest tail of thread and pull it tight.

    2. Thanks Bernice. Hope to see the finished shirt soon!

  2. Really pretty way to add detail to the blouse.


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