Wednesday, 28 September 2016

More Than Tatting

Back from "The Fringe Element Tat Days  2016" and had a marvelous time.  It was good to connect with friends and make new ones all while enjoying my passion for tatting.  

This knitted snowman was tucked into one of the prizes, I also came home with a lovely purple knitted shawl, custom made hand warmers, bead accessories and beads, napkin holder, quilt patterns, misc sewing, knit and crochet patterns.   There is much more than tatting at conferences and the artist that bring and share their work make the event so much richer.

Last year we were given a small blue round pill box and asked to do something with it and bring it back for next year's competition. Well my Easter Chick  fit on perfectly so off he went to be entered into the competition.  I really didn't think that anything would happen but I won the fan favorite.  Thank you all for your votes.

While in Cambridge, Ontario I added a few inches, to my tatting library of course and to the right is a sample of the new books.  I did receive a book that was already in my library so I offered it up to the committee for next year's prizes. 

One of the classes I took was a Celtic tatting class from Jennifer Williams who traveled all the way from the UK to teach us.  I made this small yellow motif. Sheila B was collecting tatting motif's for a quilt she is working on so she now has it.  I do like Celtic tatting and this technique was one I was not familiar with.  You do need to use a Celtic shuttle and I believe you will be seeing more of these from me.

Shown below are Clockwise  the conference centerpieces,  a spectacular Jan Stawasz doily made by Ginny Weathers, the cake that Ethel made and finally some Hand Dyed Thread. 

I would write more but you really should take in a conference if you can or just get together with others to tat, it is truly rewarding.

Finally a big thank you to the organizers, we could not have this event if it wasn't for your donation of time and talents. Others who make my trip most enjoyable was Ethel for baking a pretty and delicious cake. to Terry for chauffeur duties, thank you both.  And finally to my good friend Jane K.  I can't wait to see and tat with you again perhaps near a mountain......


  1. Love your Celtic motif. Celtic tatting interests me a lot. I shall try to find some time to do some more research on it.
    Sounds like you had a great time at the Conference. Makes me want to go. ;)
    Very nice chick. Your price was well deserved.

  2. That snowman is completely awesome!!!! :)
    Your Easter Chick and Celtic motifs are wonderful!!! :)
    Looks like you had a great time!! :)

  3. Wonderful to be able to attend a conference, learn new things and talk to other tatters!


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