Tuesday 8 August 2023

Reversible Pendant

 This is the Reversible Pendant that Marie taught at Shuttlebirds this year BUT.... I used a gold 6 strand Sandbest thread and only put 15 spokes on  AND used a bead gifted to me from Jane.  It worked up very fast and I have already given it away.

I made this second pendant, again changing up the number of spokes.  I did this one in a silver Sanbest thread. It looks great on both sides. 


  1. Both are beautiful. Love your colours.

  2. OH!! THEY are ABSOBLUTLY GOOOOORGEOUS!! So proud of you. The blue one needs to go into the fair.

  3. Nicely done! I can't wait to tat with you again....wait NEXT WEEK!!

  4. They are gorgeous but I like the blue one the best.


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