I did it, I went to Tat Days in beautiful Toccoa, Georgia. I had a marvelous time. Slept little, ate too much and tatted and talked and laughed and shared tatted tails.
I took classes from Jane (bookmark), Martha (snowflake), Sharren (purse), Paige (pendant/earrings) and Anita (cat). You will be seeing the results over the next few weeks as I finish the projects.
Here is what I also learned at Tat Days:
They drink sweet tea; because of the AC I learned to sleep with earplugs; No one is invisible during a White Elephant gift exchange; Never be late for a meal; Mosquitos bite; Atlanta Airport is the busiest in the US; You can hear cicadas; I saw my first dehumidifier.
I plan to finish all my class projects, here is the first one the Demure Latch Lariat designed and taught by Paige Deputy.