This is an Amulet Pouch designed by Nina Libin for the 20th Annual Shuttlebirds Tatting Workshop. I was fortunate to be able to attend in April of 2016. I finished the front and back during the workshop. It has taken me almost a year but I finally did the final round attaching the front to the back.
The Amulet is shown beside an Aero bobbin above so you can get the idea of the size. The second picture shows what the backside looks like. It is tatted with Silver DMC Diamant metallic embroidery thread. Navy beads are added to the tatting using the Beanile method.
It is a difficult to get a good picture so I've added another below.
There are a pair of matching earring and the chain which are still in the NUTS (nagging unfinished tasks) pile.
It is a difficult to get a good picture so I've added another below.
There are a pair of matching earring and the chain which are still in the NUTS (nagging unfinished tasks) pile.