I have been working on my monster doily over the holidays and should be starting row 14 any day now. Today I wanted to share some angel creations from my holiday tree before all is put away for another year.
This tree topper angel has some added tatted lace to her skirt. She is 30 cm or 11.5 inches tall and as wide as she is tall. I made her in size 10 white cotton. The halo is a covered plastic ring. A few years ago she needed to be re-stiffened and now is stowed in her own box so she does not get crushed year to year.
Some of the sequins and beads are extras from my wedding dress. I have used her as a topper for my tree for more than twenty years.
The pattern is from a the pamphlet Crochet Angels 7 Exquisite Creations by Wilma Bonner. The pattern called for some very thin arms and braided cotton hair on the head which I had omitted. I did stuff the head with cotton balls.

This smaller gal is crochet and is made from an angel I saw once at a craft sale. I used a gold pipe cleaner for the halo. I have made hundreds of these over the years.
Made with size 10 crochet cotton she stands 11 cm or 4.5 inches. The pattern is a basic shell stitch skirt, overskirt and wings. Single crochet for the head and neck.
Years ago from the back of a craft magazine you could order stitched cloth labels with your name on them. I sewed a custom label into the skirt of each angel before giving as a gift. I still have many labels left.
Wishing all my readers and especially those who comment all the best of the season and a most blessed new year.